
2024 2023


  • 8/14/2024: Joined the no ai webring and linked it on the Landing page

  • 8/13/2024: Both the Graphics and the Collections section of the Misc. page has their own wallpapers

  • 8/10/2024: Fixed some spelling and grammar errors on one of my reviews that's in my Reviews page. Yikes!

  • 8/9/2024: New Blog posted

  • 8/1/2024: Fixed more spelling and grammar errors on some of my blogs...

  • 7/29/2024: Started adding some of the magazine covers and pages (Disney Adventures, German Hello Kitty Magazine & Nickelodeon Magazine) for the Magazines page

  • 7/27/2024: Added a Reviews page for the Misc. page and linked it

  • 7/17/2024: Added a Mini Trinklets page for the Misc. page and linked it

  • 7/16/2024: New Blog posted

  • 7/8/2024: New Blog posted

  • 7/5/2024: Got rid of the scrolling marquee in the Blinkie section of the Home page because the Firefox browser broke it! So I replaced it with an invisible scroll for the time being

  • 6/27/2024: Cleaned up the Visual Novel subpage by adding target="_blank" to some of the memes that I mention in some of the visual novel series

  • 6/22/2024: Replaced the icon sprites for all of the subpages on my Interest page and replaced them with my pixel art verison of the icon sprites. Might post a larger verison of the spirtes later on

  • 6/18/2024:
    • Added an update on the Ace Attorney series on the Visual Novel subpage regrading on that Nintendo Direct announcement on one of their games

    • New Blog posted

  • 6/17/2024: Finally fixed the Chat Box, which doesn't show up on the mobile verison of the Home page for some reason. Sorry about that!

  • 6/16/2024: Fixed the Shrine page where I shrank the "books", put the bookshelf in the center and not have it look weird when you view it on the mobile verison. I also added two more books to the shrine. I'll get to them someday

  • 6/8/2024: Added a new drawing on the Creation page

  • 6/7/2024:
    • New Blog posted

    • Added a target="_blank" link on my Sims 3 family page, so now you can see close up photos of my Sims 3 family in potato quality!

  • 6/5/2024: Added a tooltip description in my Creation page. But beware of spoilers in some of the descriptions

  • 6/2/2024: Removed the "Now Playing" image and link from Backloggery.com that was on my Gaming Log page due to website getting a much needed makeover, which means they had to get rid what was in their old website, which the "Now Playing" image and link was one of them

  • 6/1/2024:
    • Got rid of the countdown timer since season 7/6a of Total Drama has now offically aired in America (still processing the episode)

    • New Blog posted

  • 5/28/2024:

  • 5/23/2024: Added a Magazines page for the Misc. page and linked it. The links to the individual magazines will come at a later date

  • 5/22/2024: Added a new drawing on the Creation page

  • 5/19/2023: Added a visual novel that I played (Purrgatory) in the List of Visual Novels that I have played/watched section in the Visual Novel subpage

  • 5/18/2024: Added a countdown timer for the season 7/6a permiere of Total Drama (yes the season is already "out", but this is the offical release for us Americans) that is located on the bottom of the Home page

  • 5/16/2024: Added a Recipes page for the Misc. page and linked it

  • 5/13/2024: New Blog posted

  • 5/11/2024:
    • Changed the gifs button font on various pages

    • Updated the welcome message on my Home page since some of the things I mention before is now outdated (but not in a bad way) and wanted to reflect on that

  • 5/10/2024:
    • Made a new link button for my website that is located in the Cool Links! page

    • Made an Update page and moved all the updated stauts, that is located on the Home page there, expect for the last five updated statuses

  • 5/8/2024: New Blog posted

  • 5/7/2024: Reopened my website since the upgrade has been completed

  • 5/6/2024: Got rid of 123GuestBook.com since the website is going to shut down in July and replaced it with Ultraguest

  • 5/5/2024: Closed my website to upgrade it to Website 3.0

  • 5/3/2024: Add a display that shows the last update and visitor count for the Landing page

  • 5/1/2024: Added more links for the Resource page

  • 4/30/2024:
    • New Blog posted

    • Added titles to links of my Archive page and even added more old pages and links to the page

  • 4/28/2024: Added more links for the Resource page

  • 4/27/2024: Made the Creation page mobile friendly

  • 4/26/2024: Fixed the Shrine page and made it mobile friendly. Still no new books for the shrine thought....

  • 4/23/2024: Made the Traveling subpage mobile friendly

  • 4/22/2024: Made the Pokemon and the Visual Novel subpages mobile friendly

  • 4/21/2024:
    • New Blog posted

    • Made the CDs, the DVDs and the Manga pages mobile friendly

  • 4/18/2024: Made the Blinkies, Buttons and Stamps pages mobile friendly

  • 4/17/2024: New Blog posted

  • 4/16/2024: Fixed the Mircoblog page and made that and the Cool Links page mobile friendly

  • 4/15/2024:

  • 4/14/2024: Joined the Catfolk webring and linked it on the Landing page

  • 4/13/2024: FINALLY got Freezeframe button to work for all the different sized gifs, so now I'm putting them in several pages

  • 4/8/2024: New Blog posted and added tooltip on some of my blogs

  • 4/6/2024: Made the Gaming Consoles and The Sims subpages mobile friendly

  • 4/2/2024: The Landing page is now back to normal since it's no longer April's Fools

  • 4/1/2024:
    • ...But not the Landing page however as it's upside down!!!

    • The Home page is back to normal...

  • 3/31/2024: Finally added my Animal Crossing: New Leaf Creater Designs on my Animal Crossing subpage (and made the page mobile friendly too)

  • 3/27/2024:
    • New Blog posted

    • Added a 404 Sites Graveyard section in the Cool Links page

  • 3/26/2024: Joined the DSring and linked it on the Landing page

  • 3/20/2024: Learned how to change the text selection color and now I'm putting it in most of my pages

  • 3/19/2024: New Blog posted

  • 3/18/2024: Changed Home page into an Easter themed!

  • 3/16/2024: Added a Moon Cycle widget, moved the Status section to the other side of the Home page and moved the Blinkie section to the bottom of the Home page

  • 3/4/2024: New Blog posted and added a home button (which will bring you back to the top of the page) on the bottom page on most of my blogs

  • 2/28/2024: Made some buttons for everyone to use in the Button page

  • 2/26/2024: Finally completed my Sims 4 family page for The Sims subpage!

  • 2/23/2024: New Blog posted

  • 2/22/2024: Add a box-shadow effect on the CDs, DVDs and Manga pages

  • 2/20/2024: Fixed the button layout on the mobile layout of the Landing page

  • 2/19/2024: Added a marquee scroll on Landing page, which means I can put more buttons in without filling up the main box (but it did messed up the mobile layout a bit...)

  • 2/15/2024: The header in the Home page is now back to normal

  • 2/10/2024: Posted a fanfic for the Fanfic page

  • 2/8/2024:
    • New Blog posted

    • Posted a fanfic for the Fanfic page

    • Added a Fanfic page for the Misc. page and linked it

  • 2/6/2024:
    • Removed the Other Sites from the Resource page and added them to the General Websites page for the Misc. page and linked it

    • Changed the dropbox in the Misc. page from Reviews to Writing and added 3 pages under it: Fanfics, Recipes and Reviews

  • 2/5/2024: Added some floating love heart effects for the mouse that appears in the Home page

  • 2/2/2024: Fixed some spelling and grammar errors on some of my blogs...

  • 2/1/2024: Changed the header that's in the Home page into a Valentine themed!

  • 1/29/2024: Added a Tiny Button page for the Misc. page and linked it

  • 1/28/2024:
    • Made a new About Me page and moved the original one to my Archive page

    • Got rid of the Web Rating Button and warning on the Home page (since the Landing page has the button and the warning there), moved the "Ads" section in the former Web Rating section, moved the Currently section from the About Me page to the Home page in the former "Ads" section and moved the imood tag to the Currently section.

  • 1/27/2024: Added a new drawing on the Creation page

  • 1/26/2024:
    • Changed the scrollbar in the Other Cool Sites section of the Cool Links page into a thin bar, so those who need to use the scroll bar can use it to scroll down

    • Added a Hello Kitty page for the Misc. page and linked it

  • 1/25/2024:
    • Added a DVDs page for the Misc. page and linked it

    • Replaced the header on the Home page and made an original one that is non-gif

  • 1/24/2024: Added a Manga page for the Misc. page and linked it

  • 1/23/2024: New Blog posted

  • 1/21/2024: Added a CDs page for the Misc. page and linked it

  • 1/16/2024:
    • Got rid of the DNI section in the About Me page

    • Finally got the Freezeframe button to work, so I added it to several pages

  • 1/15/2024: Added thumbnails for the Creation page

  • 1/14/2024: Made a new Landing page and moved the original one to my Archive page

  • 1/11/2024:
    • Added a cursor whenever you hover over a link

    • Fixed the main box on the Landing page, so when you look at it from my profile page on NeoCities, it doesn't overlap with the other webring box

  • 1/9/2024: Got rid of the offical Stamps page, moved it to the Archive page and put it the Graphic section in the Misc. page under the Stamps page and linked it

  • 1/8/2024: Add a Books subpage listing on the Interest page (page isn't completed yet and will be in the future)

  • 1/6/2024: Add the a next and previous button on the bottom page of my blogs and fixed the icon link for my blogs as well

  • 1/3/2024: Add the "Now Playing" image and link from Backloggery.com to my Gaming Log page

  • 1/1/2024:
    • Added a new drawing on the Creation page

    • The Home and Index pages are back to normal

    Back to Top


  • 12/30/2023:
    • Changed the font on all of my blogs

    • New Blog posted

    • Changed the Button Links and font on the Blog page

  • 12/26/2023: Add favorite Anime and Cartoons in the Favorties section on the About Me page

  • 12/22/2023: Got rid of non-Hello Kitty buttons (you can find them on the Buttons page) from the Buttons!!! section and extended the To Do List Box on the Home page

  • 12/21/2023:
    • Added an offical Buttons page for the Misc. page and linked it

    • Got rid of non-Hello Kitty blinkies (you can find them on the Blinkie page) from the Blinkie section and add a Hello Kitty "Ads" section on the Home page

  • 12/20/2023: Added an offical Blinkie page for the Misc. page and linked it

  • 12/19/2023: Moved my Interest subpages and Misc. pages to their own folder, which caused the links to break and have to reconnect them from their folders

  • 12/15/2023:
    • Added the Gaming Log page for the Misc. page and linked it

    • Changed the icon for most of my Interest subpages

    • Added the Misc page and linked it

  • 12/14/2023: Added a visual novel that I played (Katawa Shoujo) in the List of Visual Novels that I have played/watched section in the Visual Novel subpage

  • 12/13/2023: Added a scroll bar to the List of Visual Novels that I have played/watched section in the Visual Novel subpage

  • 12/12/2023: New Blog posted

  • 12/07/2023: Changed the name of one sections in the Home page from Cliques to Blinkies

  • 12/06/2023: Add images to the Background section in the Resource page and linked (most of) them

  • 12/04/2023: Changed the text in Cool Links page and add a flashing light warning text to both that and the Home page

  • 12/02/2023:
    • Added 2 new drawings for the Creation page

    • Changed the image galleries layout for some of my pages

  • 12/01/2023:
    • Added pictures for the Shiny Pokemon section in the Pokemon subpage

    • Changed both the Landing & Home page into a Christmas themed!

    • Added the snowfall overway on my Home page

  • 11/29/2023:
    • Cleaned up the Gaming Consoles subpage by spacing out the Nintendo Online games on my list as it was too spaced out and added an an article on emulated games and showed an asterisk on the games I have beaten

    • Added a scroll bar to the shinies section in the Pokemon subpage

  • 11/27/2023: Added some Nintendo Online games in the Gaming Consoles subpage

  • 11/24/2023: Replaced the hotlink photos in my earlier pages by downloading them myself and putting them in the database here

  • 11/21/2023: Added some buttons on the boarder of the Stamps page

  • 11/20/2023: Changed the custom cursor in some of my pages

  • 11/19/2023:
    • On some of the pages, I changed the background-attachment to fixed so it doesn't move as often

    • New Blog posted

  • 11/18/2023: Changed the background and layout color at my Achive page to match the website theme

  • 11/17/2023:
    • Changed the scrollbar color on most of my Interest subpages

    • Added a hover feature for each link you click on most of my pages

  • 11/16/2023: Added the Traveling subpage and linked it to the Interest page

  • 11/11/2023: Changed the scrollbar color on several of my main pages

  • 11/9/2023: Alphabetized the users' buttons on the Other Cool Sites section in the Cool Links page

  • 11/8/2023: Changed the fonts for the main pages

  • 11/4/2023: Completed 2 animes and put it in the Anime subpage

  • 11/2/2023:
    • Made a Landing page for the index page and moved everything from the index page to the Home page

    • Moved the Webrings to the Landing page

  • 11/1/2023:
    • The Home page is back to normal

    • Joined another Webring, Ladies of the Link and post it on the Webring section on the Home page

  • 10/30/2023: New Blog posted

  • 10/29/2023:
    • Added a scroll bar to the Other Cool Sites section of my Cool Links page

    • Added the Stamps page and linked it

  • 10/28/2023: Added the former Shrine page to the Archive page

  • 10/27/2023: Organized the Update Log

  • 10/23/2023: Added a few more animes to watch in the Anime subpage

  • 10/22/2023:
    • Added a Halloween custom cursor on the Home page

    • Changed the Shrine page and linked it

  • 10/20/2023:
    • Changed the Home page into a Halloween themed!

    • Added a countdown timer for Super Mario RPG Release Day

  • 10/19/2023: Added the Microblog page and linked it

  • 10/17/2023: Added a fun fact section in my About Me page

  • 10/16/2023: Added a few more games in the Gaming Consoles subpage

  • 10/15/2023: Added a custom cursor to the rest of the main pages

  • 10/14/2023: New Blog posted

  • 10/13/2023:
    • Added a few things in my favorites in the About Me page

    • Added a scroll bar to the Buttons!!! section of my Home page

  • 10/12/2023: Added a few things in my hobbies, likes & dislikes in the About Me page

  • 10/11/2023:
    • Cleaned up the Anime subpage by replacing the scrollbars for animes I watched and animes I'm currently watching/wanted to watch

    • Changed the calendar layout and added text on what the symbols means on the Home page

  • 10/10/2023: Published 2 more pages of my webcomic, Everlasting

  • 10/9/2023:
    • Cleaned up the About Me page and add a weather widget to the side bar

    • Added a few more games in the Gaming Consoles subpage

  • 10/8/2023:
    • Added new links for the Resource page

    • Added new drawing on the Creation Page

    • Added the Shrine page and linked it

    • Moved my button link to the Cool Links page

  • 10/7/2023:
    • Added a custom cursor on the Home page

    • New Blog posted

  • 10/5/2023:
    • Updated the Gaming Consoles subpage to fix spelling, grammar errors and added my reaction on Nintendo shutting down online service of the 3DS and WiiU

    • Moved all the linked buttons to a new page, Cool Links and linked the page

  • 10/4/2023:
    • Added a Link for the Resource page

    • Changed the Button Links

  • 10/3/2023:

  • 10/2/2023: Added a few more things on the To Do List on the Home page

  • 10/1/2023: Joined another Webring, the Autists Online and post it on the Webring section on the Home page

  • 9/30/2023:
    • Added the Visual Novel subpage and linked it to the Interest page

    • Updated the Animal Crossing subpage by adding text, increasing text size and made some the pictures larger

    • Added a scroll bar to the Cliques section of my Home page

  • 9/27/2023: Updated the Gaming Consoles subpage by putting text, pictures and added friend codes

  • 9/26/2023: Linked my webcomic on my Creation page

  • 9/25/2023: Joined two Webrings, WiiRing and null webring and post it on the Webring section on the Home page

  • 9/24/2023: Added the Creation page

  • 9/23/2023: Added The Sims subpage and linked it to the Interest page

  • 9/22/2023:
    • Added a Web Rating Button that is located on the Home page

    • New Blog posted

  • 9/21/2023: Added a Chat Box for the Home page

  • 9/20/2023: Added the Resource page and linked it

  • 9/18/2023: Added Pokemon subpage and linked it to the Interest page

  • 9/16/2023:

  • 9/14/2023:

  • 9/13/2023:
    • New Blog posted

    • Added a Guest Book page

  • 9/12/2023:

  • 9/11/2023:
    • Added Buttons on the Button Section

    • Updated the Home, About Me and the Blog pages to 2.0

  • 9/10/2023: Added a scroll box for the Update Section

  • 9/9/2023: Added Blinkies and Columns to the Group Section

  • 9/8/2023:
    • Added a Blog page and linked it

    • Posted my first Blog

  • 9/7/2023:
    • Created this website

    • Created a Home page

    • Added a About Me page and linked it

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