
Growing up, I used to read magazines. A lot of magazines. Most of them were targeted for children and preteens, which was me as I was 7 years old when I read my first subscription magazine, Nickelodeon Magazine. I continued to read them until I was 15 years old when either the magazines shut down or my mom cancelled the subscriptions when we moved to Germany in 2009 and she wanted to save money from all the moving.

Despite that, I never toss them out as some of them represent my childhood, that some were my niece's, who didn't read them as often compared to me and for histoical purpose as it show what pop culture is like in the mid-late 2000s'. Now, they're mostly in a moving box in my closet since I have no room to put them in my current bedroom. Maybe when my family move out of Texas (our current home state) in a few years, mom might buy a bigger house where I can finally put them away in a bookshelf (that I might buy) where they belong.

Until then, I will post the covers of the magazines that I owned in their own pages since I have A LOT!

List of Magazines I Owned

Disney Adventures: June 2003-November 2007

German Hello Kitty Magazine: July 2009; July-August 2010

Highlights: March 2001; October 2004-October 2006

National Geographic KIDS: April 2004-Decemeber/January 2011

Nickelodeon Magazine: June 2003-Decemeber/January 2010

Turtle: September/October 2004-Decemeber/January 2006