
My name is Pizzacat Delights and welcome to my cozy, Hello Kitty themed home, also known as my website.

Since I was young, I was interested of being on the Internet. I loved looking at websites, clicking at the different links and playing Flash games. Now here we are in 2023, where the Internet is now a sad, scary place where corporations owns all of the social media sites that most of us use for granted. And plus, all of them look the same now, which takes away the uniqueness of being on the Internet from the 90s/ early 2000s. On this website, I came here to get control of what I want to post and publish anything I like (well, almost anything)!

So expect this site to look messy because this is my first time making my own website and I haven't been to a web design class, since the 10th grade. And that this a forever WIP, so things will added/deleted as time goes on. So bear with me!!!!

Warning: Some of the buttons and blinkies have flashing images.


Love Central Hello Kitty Hello Kitty Heart Hello Kitty Flashing Text Light Pink Hello Kitty Sanrio and Japanese Text Sanrio Banner Hello Kitty and Japanese Text Happy 26th Birthday Hello Kitty World Hello Kitty and Japanese Text 2 Hello Kitty Online Happy Blog We Love Hello Kitty Clueless Hello Kitty in a corner of a blue button Hello Kitty Club sanrio wave Blog All Stars Light Blue Hello Kitty in a Circle with Japanese Text

To Do List:

  • Add the remaining Interest pages:
    • Books
    • Disney Animated Movies
    • History
    • Pokemon
    • The Sims
    • Traveling
    • Visual Novels
    • Western Animation
  • Make a Collection page (?)
  • Make a Review page (?)
  • Change the header for the Home page
  • Move the update log to its own page
  • Separate the articles in the Visual Novel Interest page, give them their own pages and linked them
  • Complete the books for the Shrine page
  • Add an off and on switch for all the GIFs
  • Make the website both mobile and disabled friendly

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