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02/23/2024: Can Everyone Stop Hating Transgender People Now? I Might Have a Meltdown Over This!

(Warning: This is blog mention transphobia, politics, death, Donald Trump, TERFs and swearing in general. Please take care before reading on.)

I’m mad.

Just a few days ago, the CEO of Tumblr has outed himself as a transphobic jerk! Why? That’s because he threaten to call the FBI on a trans woman (whose non-American), who called him out for the lack of moderation to try and stop the targeted harassment campaigns against her and trans people on site and she said that “she ‘hopes’ he dies forever a painful death involving a car covered in hammers that explodes more than a few times and hammers go flying everywhere”. And yes, what she said has now become a meme because of course, its Tumblr…

As a cis woman whose gender and sex are aligned correctly, you’re probably wondering why I’m making a big deal out of this. Maybe it’s the fact I hate people being means to others and seeing the CEO getting into a hissy fit over being called out for not doing his job and threatening to call the FBI on the trans woman, who was telling the truth about him, rubs me the wrong way. Or maybe it’s because of my autism, as autistic people are more likely to have strong sense of justice and can easily get upset over the lack of justice that they see, such as transgender people being bullied for being their selves. Then there’s the fact that it won’t be long until the CEO will come after other members of the LGBT community. The fact I’m bisexual means that might be I next and will end up getting banned just for being myself! Now, that’s scary!

It doesn’t help that there’s transphobic politicians in my country, who are passing laws that will make transgender people’s lives miserable such as banning them from using the bathroom that they identify, banning trans women from playing sports in school and restricting access to gender-affirming medical care for trans children. Seeing this makes me want to cry as it basically shows that these politicians rather have a dead transgender than giving them accommodations that will improve their lives.

It also doesn’t help that I live in one of the most transphobic state in America, Texas. Last year, the state tried to ban public drag performance, but it was later shot down by a Reagan appointed federal judge, who said not only it was unconstitutional, but actually enjoy seeing different type of people, which includes drag artists! But, the state later successfully banned trans children from accessing gender-affirming care.


At least it’s “better” than in Florida, where they are slowly striping the rights of transgender people, law by law, which include taking trans children away from their parents for giving them gender-affirming care. The next thing I expect the Florida government to do is kick all transgender people in the state out, tell them that their no longer Florida citizens and officially ban all trans people from the state. They might even build a wall around the state and tells their citizens that they must pay for it! /s It’s because of that, I refuse to visit Florida, even though one of my older cousins lives there and works as a neurosurgeon at a hospital in southern Florida.

Then this year is the 2024 Election and there’s a chance that Donald Trump, might get reelected again. I hear that if he returns to office next year, he’s basically going to outlaw trans people from existence! He’ll even do the same thing with the members of the LGBT community, which I’m a part of. It won’t be long until America becomes like Gilead, where only white, straight, Christian men are allow to be themselves, but not people like me and the LGBT community.

There’s even famous people who are not only transphobic, but are also TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminist). After the Harry Potter author, “Who-Must-Not-Be-Named” came out as a TERF in late 2019; I lost all interest in the series. I never a big fan of the Harry Potter books growing up (which was probably for the best), but now seeing the author spreading hateful things about trans people and supporting anti-trans laws in the United Kingdom, makes me feel bad for the trans people (and those who respect trans rights) who did grew up with the series. To make matter worst, there are her fans that not only support her, some even became TERFs themselves, which makes me sick as she’s basically brainwashing them!

Another celebrity whose is TERF is Dave Chappelle. This makes me sad as he’s one of the funniest comedians around. My mom and older sister LOVES his stuff. He’s (mostly) progressive, is vocal about Black Lives Matter and even called out the American government for aiding Israel at one of his specials last year. But he made some anti-LGBT and transphobic jokes at his stand-up television special that angered the LGBT community to the point that after one of his special, The Closer aired in 2021, some of the workers at Netflix (where it was aired) staged a walkout over the CEO of Netflix, defending and refusing to pull the special. Seeing him mocking transgender people, who are already targeted for bullying is bad enough, doing in front of thousands of people (and filming it for millions), makes it worst! I never watched the special, but after hearing what he said, it made me lost respect for him.

And I think his views has spread to my mom and older sister as a few weeks ago, they were talking about him and I told them that I don’t like him because of his views of transgender people. They understands my concern that is okay to not like a person, based on their beliefs…but then they start saying transphobic things such as “your born based on what genitals you have” and that “my gender is an attack chopper”, which the latter is one of the TERF dog whistle terms! This disappoints me as my mom and older sister are good people and they support me being bisexual, but not if you’re a trans person. I think they’re just misinformed on the topic and I need to educate them on the fact (and not in your face type of thing).

Even here on Neocities, there are transphobic people and TERFs, roaming the site with their nice looking websites. I had to block three of them from my profile due to their transphobic views. There’s even a webring that are (mostly) full of TERFs that I accidently joined last year before hearing the truth, which caused me to panic and request the owner to remove my site in disguised! Now, I’m forced to scan every website I look at to make sure there isn’t anything off about them to the point it kicks me in the gut when I hear the truth about them.

I think for now, I’m going to stay off of Tumblr for a bit until things have “calm” down to the point, I don’t feel guilty about browsing the site. I even made a Cohost account, which I hear is a “better” version of Tumblr and all the staff, are members of the trans community! Despite that, I heard mixed things about the site, which makes me a little worried. Even then, I won’t abandon Tumblr as not all the fandom I follow on Tumblr is on Cohost, as there are less people on the latter site. (Update: On September 9, 2024, Cohost announced that they're going to shut down at the end of the year due to lack of funds. So there goes my Tumblr alternative....)

I hope things get better for transgender people in the future. Seeing all the hate against them, makes me stressed out and might end up having a meltdown over it. Thankfully, there are people who are not only defending and supporting them, but are also fighting back against the transphobic politicians and the TERFs, who try to make trans people's life worst.

After all, the queers (the gays, the lesbians and bisexuals) used to be heavily target by assholes back in the day by kicking them out of the military for coming out and blacklisting them from jobs and businesses. Some were even killed by homophobic people for being themselves! It wasn’t until the somewhere in the 90s’ when people started to support the queers. However it wasn't until around the early 2010s' when majority of Americans finally supported them, which then led to same-sex mariage to become legalized in America in 2015. Yeah, even after all that, there's still homophobic jerks out there. But at least it’s better to be gay now, than compared to 50 years ago!

I know that one day; people will finally see transgender people for who they are too, just like with the queers. It won’t be easy, but we’ll get there eventually.